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Monday, April 7, 2014

04/06/14 The God of the Broken Heart

Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Lent.

"And again, someone could say, 'Honestly? Why [go to Confession]? I'm not telling God anything He doesn't know.' You're right. You won't be telling God anything He doesn't know. And you won't be showing God something that He doesn't already see. What you'll be doing is you'll be giving God something He doesn't already have. Again, when we go to Confession, we are not telling God something He doesn't already know and we're not showing Him something He doesn't already see. We're giving Him something He doesn't already have. What He doesn't have, is He doesn't have your broken heart yet. What He doesn't have is He doesn't have what's dead in my life and what's dead in your life. But in Confession, we actually get to hand that over, what's broken in our heart, to the God of the broken heart."

Mass Readings from April 6, 2014:
Ezekiel 37:12-14
Romans 8:8-11
John 11:1-45

To download the 40 Days of Lenten Mass Readings (now a ONE-page handout!), click here!

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Weekly Schedule

Summer Mass Schedule

Newman House
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:00pm
Friday 12:05pm

May 19th & 20th
May 26th, 27th, 28th
June 11th
July 1st-3rd
July 7th-10th
July 14th-16th
July 21st-24th
August 18th-21st
August 25th-28th
September 1st-4th


"The Voyage"
Starts with Mass at 5pm every Wednesday in July, followed by discussion and fellowship!
Check back later for more details!

(Click on blue marker to get directions)

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary
Daily: 7am
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am
Confession: Saturday, 10:30-11:30

St. Benedict's
Daily: 8am
Saturday: 5:00
Sunday: 8am, 10:30 am
Confession: Saturday 4:00 p.m. or by appointment

St. Mary Star of the Sea
Daily: 8am and 12:10pm
Saturday: 4:30
Sunday: 9am and Noon
Confession: Monday-Friday 11:30-12:05pm
Saturday: 3:15-4:15